September 2021 Volume 19 Number 3 Six decades of infectious bursal disease in poultry: The journey so far and challenges ahead (N Lawal & MB Bello) [PDF] Evaluation of potentials of aqueous ethanolic extract of Psidium guajava on reproductive functions of male Albino rats (SA Abwage, ST Agu, SA Saganuwan & AH Abu) [PDF] Influence of season on herd size and birth rate of small-holder goats in Southern Guinea Savanna (KU Anoh, I Abdulahi & IK Al-Habib) [PDF] Isolation and genomic characterization of “unassigned” Salmonella enterica serovars from poultry in Ilorin, North-central Nigeria (IA Raufu, OA Ahmed, A Aremu JA Ameh & A Ambali) [PDF] Molecular characterization of Salmonella enterica from poultry farms in Ilorin, North-central Nigeria (IA Raufu, OA Ahmed, A Aremu JA Ameh & A Ambali) [PDF] A retrospective study of avascular necrosis of the femoral head in dogs in Delta State, Nigeria (EA Uwagie-Ero & CN Abiaezute) [PDF] Prevalence and molecular identification of Mycobacteria isolated from animals slaughtered at Sokoto modern abattoir, Sokoto State, Nigeria (IA Musawa, AA Magaji, MD Salihu, AC Kudi, AU Junaidu, MB Bello, B Garba, Y Yakubu, SM Abdullahi, S Sidi, GM Sani, AH Jibril & LB Yayaya) [PDF] Lead and coliform contaminants in groundwater sources in peri-urban areas of Makurdi, Nigeria (RA Agyo, RA Ofukwu, CA Agada, A Ekle & J Okoh) [PDF] Gross testicular morphometric parameters and sperm reserves in Indigenous Ghanaian West African dwarf goats (J Atawalna, D Essel-Cobbinah, PD Akpalu & BO Emikpe) [PDF] Seroprevalence of anti-toxoplasma gondii antibodies in free-range chickens in Kaduna metropolis, Nigeria (IN Nzelu, BD Shingyu & JKP Kwaga) [PDF] Cystic endometrial hyperplasia- pyometra complex in a mastectomies Boerboel bitch following tamoxifen administration (TA Ajadi, EO Okpara, AO Alamu, L Mustapha, IO Oyenekan & MO Ilugbo) [PDF] |
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