2016 Volume 14 Number 1

April 2016 Volume 14 Number 1 

 An overview of Ipomoea carnea subspecies fistulosa toxicosis in ruminants (SI Ngulde, MB Tijjani & LN Giwa-Imam)[ABSTRACT][PDF]

Gastrointestinal helminths and external parasites of domestic rats trapped from residential areas within Maiduguri Municipality, Nigeria (BT Paul, F Kyari, MA Gadzama, MK Zango, EF Ejeh, JJ Ndahi & HP Mana)[ABSTRACT][PDF]

Anatomy of the female reproductive system of Rusa deer (Rusa timorensis). (MB Mahre, H Wahid, Y Rosnina, FFA Jesse, AZ Jaji, NA Ojo, B Umaru &TI Azmi)[ABSTRACT][PDF]

Immunohistochemical evaluation of lesions in the gastrointestinal tract of buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) calves orally exposed to Pasteurella multocida B:2 (MS Abubakar, M Zamri-Saad, S Jasni & ABZ Zuki)[ABSTRACT][PDF]

Histologic developmental horizons of the prenatal dromedary tongue. (AZ Jaji, AS Saidu, MP Yawulda, N Elelu, F Da'u & SM Jajere)[ABSTRACT][PDF]

Male organs of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) in spawning and non-spawning periods in Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria. (M Zakariah, A Yahaya, ML Sonfada & I Wiam)[ABSTRACT][PDF]

Prevalence of potential toxigenic Aspergillus species isolated from poultry feeds in Sokoto metropolis. (RM Aliyu, MB Abubakar, Y Yakubu, AB Kasarawa, N Lawal, MB Bello, AY Fardami)[ABSTRACT][PDF]

Prevalence of tuberculosis-like lesions in goats slaughtered at Bauchi central abattoir, Bauchi State. (S Danbirni, HU Abubakar, L Allam, SB Pewan, IJ Barde & AKB Sackey)[ABSTRACT][PDF]

Prevalence of Newcastle disease virus antibodies in sera and eggs of helmeted guinea fowls (Numidameleagrisgaleatapallas) in Borno and YobeStates, Nigeria. (SU Hassan, AD El-Yuguda, HI Gambo, SS Baba, AG Ambali & IO Igbokwe)[ABSTRACT][PDF]

Fatal abomasal sand impaction in a giraffe calf (Giraffacamelopardalis) at the University of Ilorin zoological garden. (HO Jegede, AY Adenkola, A Obalowu, FR Olowoleni & PO Odeniran)[ABSTRACT][PDF]

Blood transfusion due to haemonchosis induced anaemia in a 4-year-old Kano brown doe. (BY Kaltungo, II Onoja, M Babashani & SO Okaiyeto)[ABSTRACT][PDF]

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